Also Known As TMJ Disorder Therapy
The jaw joint involves several structures and problems with this area can send pain to many other places on and around the head. T stands for the Temporal bones (think of where your ‘temples’ are) and the Temporalis muscles which lay over them. M stands for the Mandible or lower jaw bone which goes from your cheeks to your chin. J stands for Joint which is the connection between the temporal bone and the mandible and is located just in front of the ear on each side. There are between 25 and 40 muscles and other related parts involved to some varied degree in this significant structure. This offers opportunities for several different types of problems to develop. There may be a healthcare professional who has offered a diagnosis; I can work with that information. It may be that you have pains, popping or clicking or other symptoms but have not seen anyone for it; we can begin that process.
After over 27 years of dealing with TMJ Disorder, first in myself, and then as a therapist with a lot of insight into the issue, I offer TMJ Disorder therapy for those who suffer from these symptoms. And it is looking to resolve the causes that is the focus of the work that I do. There are many people who have come to me for their TMJ therapy and, after achieving what so many of them have called a “cure,” they have continued working with me on their next most serious issue. Please know that it is their assessment of their own bodies and pain levels that have brought them to say this; I do not claim to “cure” TMJ disorder; that is their word choice.
While the process is not a ‘fun-ride’ at a carnival, I adjust the TMJ disorder treatment to each person’s comfort. It involves working in the head and neck area for the entire session for some number of visits, as determined by the two of us and based on your progress. Eventually, we may come to find that the cause is under your shoulder blade (not unusual) and so we shift our focus to resolve whatever the original issue is. It is one of the most interesting, unfolding and rewarding processes in my practice.
Have questions or ready to book an appointment? Call Debra at 727-466-6655.